dimarts, 28 de setembre del 2010


What was the apartheid?
It was a separation between black and white people. It happened in South Africa in
 twentieth century. There were some people who disliked this idea because it was a discrimination for black people.

Which was the cause of the American Civil War?
The cause of the American Civil War was the difference between North America (industrial economy) and South America (slavery system). North America won the Civil War

What was slavery?
Slavery was an inequal relationship between  two people: one person belonged to another one and this person lose his rights.

Where did slavery exist?
It was a old system began during Ancient Greece and Roman Empire.
It also existed in other countries around the world, for example America and South Africa.

When did women get the right to vote?
The first country that approved woman suffrage was New Zeland in 1893. In USA was in 1920 and here in Spain was in 1931.

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