What was the berlin wall? When did it fall?
It was a wall that separated Berlin in two parts. It fell in 1989.

What century South America did get the independence? Who led South America to independence?
South america got the independence in 19th century.
Simon Bolivar led South America to independence.

Who is Nelson Mandela?
 Nelson Mandela was the first president of South Africa.

In which country was the apartheid?
The apartheid was in South Africa

What year did the apartheid finish?
Aparheid finished in 1991.

Why did North America fight against UK?
Because North America wanted to get the independence.

Who was Karl Marx?
He was the first person who talked about Communism. He thought that it would give power and rights to the people.

When did the American people consider slaves to people?
The slavery began in 15 century whith the colonial expansion.

What was the name of the ship where the slaves rebelled?
The ship was called “The Amistad”.

How many slaves rebelled?
They were two of them.

Why were the Africans send to america?
To work as slaves.

What did Antigone do?
 She fought for her rights in 300 B.C.

Who signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
United Nations signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

Who achieved their authority by birth?
Kings and tribal chiefs.

For what did they use their people?
To usurp their rights.

Why North America broke relations with UK?
Because they wanted the independence.

What was the apartheid?
It was a separation between black and white people. It happened in South Africa in
 twentieth century. There were some people who disliked this idea because it was a discrimination for black people.

Which was the cause of the American Civil War?
The cause of the American Civil War was the difference between North America (industrial economy) and South America (slavery system). North America won the Civil War

What was slavery?
Slavery was an inequal relationship between  two people: one person belonged to another one and this person lose his rights.

Where did slavery exist?
It was a old system began during Ancient Greece and Roman Empire.
It also existed in other countries around the world, for example America and South Africa.

When did women get the right to vote?
The first country that approved woman suffrage was New Zeland in 1893. In USA was in 1920 and here in Spain was in 1931.

